On behalf of the Scientific Committee of the 14th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications, we are pleased to announce the organization of our annual meeting on September 22-24, 2021 as an Online Interactive Congress. During the three-day congress, oral and poster communications will be presented. The Polyphenols Applications 2021 will be an Interactive Online meeting, with live discussion slots.
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What We Mean by "Interactive Online Conference" ?
- You will have access to Polyphenols Applications Platform.
- You will have access to all attendees, speakers (major, short oral and poster presentations), organizations and chairpesons' profiles.
- You can contact, chat, and fix an appointment with all attendees and speakers.
- You have access to all recorded talks, short presentations and poster presentations.
- You will be able to participate in slots dedicated to Live Interactive Discussion & Networking.
What We Mean by "Live Interactive Discussion & Networking" ?
During 3 days, we will dedicate four zones/slots for Live Interactive Discussion & Networking.
- The zones take into consideration 3 time zones so everyone can attend at least one.
- All attendees can contact and discuss with all attendees (speakers and participants) present in these slots, ask all questions & network with them.
- Attendees can also exchange ideas with other participants, and discuss potential collaborative work.
- You can fix an appointment with any of the speakers (major, short oral and poster presentations) or attendees.
- Each Live Interactive slot will chaired a member of the scientific committee.
Know more about the Live Interactive Sessions for Discussion & Networking here.