Effects of Berry (Poly)phenols on Cardiovascular Health: Clinical Evidence and Mechanistic Insights

Dr. Ana Rodriguez-Mateos-v1Dr. Ana Rodriguez-Mateos, from King's College London, United Kingdom, will join us this year to present a talk entitled “Effects of Berry (Poly)phenols on Cardiovascular Health: Clinical Evidence and Mechanistic Insights”.

Berries are getting increased attention due to their potential cardiovascular health benefits. However, which bioactives in berries are responsible for the effects and the mechanisms of action in the vascular system are currently unknown. Dr. Rodriguez-Mateos will discuss the recent clinical studies she has conducted investigating the effect of different berries and berry (poly)phenol extracts on cardiovascular function. You can find more information on Dr. Rodriguez-Mateos research here.

Join us in Polyphenols Applications 2022 and benefit from the experience of professional researchers like Dr. Rodriguez-Mateos.

Polyphenols Applications 2022 Congress
September 28-30, 2022 - Valencia, Spain