Senolytic Drug and Polyphenol Combinations for Lung Disease

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Researchers from the State University of Campinas and Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas in Brazil have published a new study revealing that therapeutic targeting of senescent cells could be promising in treating chronic lung diseases associated with aging.

Recent clinical trials have previously demonstrated the potential of dasatinib and quercetin in alleviating physical dysfunction in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a chronic lung disease often associated with aging.

Exploring New Drug and Polyphenol Combinations

This new study has explored and tested novel drug and polyphenol combinations, aiming to identify effective senolytic activity. The research was conducted using human lung fibroblasts with induced senescence.

The drugs tested in the study included azithromycin, rapamycin, metformin, FK-506, aspirin, and dasatinib. These were combined with nine different polyphenols, such as caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and others.

Promising Senolytic Combinations

The study found that dasatinib, when combined with ellagic acid and resveratrol, showed significant senolytic activity. This was evidenced by increased apoptosis (programmed cell death) and caspase activity (a family of proteins playing essential roles in cell death) in senescent cells.

Ellagic Acid and Resveratrol: Potent Senolytic Agents

The results indicated that ellagic acid exhibited more potent senolytic activity than quercetin. Additionally, resveratrol was found to help counteract the release of inflammatory cytokines (substances secreted by certain cells of the immune system that have an effect on other cells).

Future Prospects for Senotherapy

The findings suggest that the combinations of dasatinib with ellagic acid or resveratrol could offer senolytic effects comparable to those of dasatinib and quercetin. This opens up potential future alternatives for senotherapy, a therapeutic approach that targets senescent cells to counteract aging-related diseases.

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Polyphenols Applications 2024 Congress
September 19-20, 2024 - Milan
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