Professor Winterhalter, from the University of Braunschweig in Germany, propose a forword of his presentation for the International Congress on Polyphenols Applications : “The application of membrane technologies as well as countercurrent chromatography (CCC) for the large-scale fractionation of polyphenolic extracts will be demonstrated. CCC is a support-free liquid chromatographic technique which allows gentle separations in the gram to kilogram scale”, he said
The professor underlines that many methods and techniques of polyphenols extraction will be presented and the “techniques that will be presented include inter alia high speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC) and spiral-coil low speed rotary countercurrent chromatography (Spiral-coil LSRCCC)”, Pr Winterhalter added.
“Examples are the preparation of bioactive by-products from side streams of the wine and fruit juice industry”, he commented
More perspectives and many others extraction methods will be showed during Paris Polyphenols 2012 World Congress which will be held in Paris, France in June 7-8, 2012.
Paris Polyphenols 2012