Dr Fulgencio Saura-Calixto, from ICTAN-CSIC, Madrid, Spain will give an overview of recent advances & perspectives of non-extractable polyphenols and macroantioxidants during the 8th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications 2014.
Non-extractable polyphenols (NEPP) or macroantioxidants are a new type of antioxidants bioavailable in the large intestine where they exhibit a significant antioxidant activity and produce absorbable metabolites after the action of the microbiota. They are plant food constituents that contribute significantly to the total PP intake in the diet.
The ocurrence in the diet, metabolic fate and the possible health effects of NEPP are reviewed in this presentation. Some new functional ingredients based in macroantioxidants are also presented.
For more information about this topic and scientific program: www.polyphenols-site.com