Antioxidant and anti - inflammatory potenti al of a pectin depleted apple pomace extract in a pilot human intervention study

Jessica walkerDr Jessica Walker from University of Vienna, Austria will present her studies on "Antioxidant and anti - inflammatory potenti al of a pectin depleted apple pomace extract in a pilot human intervention study" at the 11th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications in Vienne.

According to Dr Jessica Walker, based on the in vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of pectin-depleted apple pomace extract (APE4), a human intervention study was performed. Each intervention phase of this placebo controlled pilot study in diabetic and heavily-overweight to obese women spanned over 4 weeks, separated by a 4-week wash-out phase. Upon 4-week intervention with encapsulated APE4, body weight or composition remained unaffected, while endotoxin-stimulated inflammation was reduced.


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