Latest Updates: Polyphenols Applications 2024

Polyphenols 2024 Speakers Brochure

Last updated 16/09/2024

Please find below the latest updates about this year's World Congress on Polyphenols Applications:

Final Agenda 

Updated Conference Agenda.

Presenters are asked to note down their presentation’s timing.

  • Short Oral Presentations: 8 minutes + 2 minutes for discussion.
  • Major Presentations: 20 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion.
  • Presenters are asked to bring their presentation on a flash drive onsite.
  • Please note that all presentations will be collected by the technician, and no presentation via their own laptop will be accepted.
  • PowerPoint presentation’s ratio: 16:9

List of Posters

Posters’ List.

Poster presenters are asked to note down the number of their poster and day of their presentation. 

  • Posters will be hanged according to the numbers in the list.
  • Posters will be presented/ discussed during the coffee and lunch breaks.
  • Please note that in-person attendees need to print your posters in the size A1-Vertical and bring them on the day of the presentation.
  • Online posters can send us their PDFs to be included in the abstracts book.

Important Information for In-Person Participation

Venue Details: 

The congress will be held at:

Università degli Studi di Milano Statale - The Great Hall (Aula Magna) 
Ca' Granda building, Via Festa del Perdono 7. 

More venue details.

Badge Pick-up: 

You can start collecting your badges on September 19, starting 8:00 am.

Important Information for Online Participation

Zoom Link:

Online attendees have been provided with the conference zoom link via email. Contact us if you have not received it.

Please dont hesitate to contact the organizing committe for more information.

Polyphenols Applications 2024 Congress
September 19-20, 2024 - Milan
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