Welcome to Malta Polyphenols 2014

After the success of the 7 previous conferences on polyphenols applications, the International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH) decided to organize the 8th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications: ISANH Polyphenols 2014, which will be held at Lisbon, Portugal, on June 5-6, 2014.
The focus of ISANH Polyphenols 2014 two-days conferences will be on following aspects:
- Polyphenols 2014: Hot progresses in the world of polyphenols
- Polyphenols and Redox State Modulation: the Nrf2 and NFkappa-b subtle balance
- Polyphenols and Microbiota: the strategic target
- Polyphenols, Brain and Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Metabolites of Polyphenols: Any Clinical Studies with Metabolites?
- Innovations in the World of Polyphenols:Hot discussion: Polyphenols bioavailability: it is a question of microbiota!
- Characterisation, structure, stability
- Polyphenols & Functional Foods and Drinks: from sciences to innovations
- Polyphenols & Waste Valorisation from Fruits and Vegetables Processing
- Natural Polyphenols as co-products in Biorefineries
Special sessions dedicated to short oral presentations and innovations will be scheduled during two days.
The 8th ISANH Polyphenols World Congress will bring together experts from academia and industries to debate on the latest scientific advances in the field of polyphenols and their uses to improve human health.
A pre-conference workshop dedicated to "Recovery, Valorization and Re-Utilization of Polyphenols from Vegetables and Fruits By-Products” will be held on June 4, 2014.
The purpose of the workshop is to explore potential sources and target polyphenols prior to designing a recovery strategy based on different processing steps, conventional and emerging technologies applied from the raw material to the final or encapsulated product. Safety, cost and scale up aspects will discussed. Case studies of patented methodologies that lead to real products will be described, with a final aim of suggesting new potential processes and applications in the field.
ISANH Polyphenols 2014 will be held under the patronage of the International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH), the French Society of Antioxidants (SFA) and the Japanese Society of Antioxidants (JSA).
We look forward to welcoming you in Lisbon for this special event.
Pr Marvin Edeas - Pr Andreas Schieber
Congress Chairpersons