Molecular Mechanisms of Flavan-3-ol Degradation: Best Short Oral Presentation Award at Polyphenols Applications 2024

Polyphenols Applications 2024 Conference 54Pascale Mosoni of INRAE has won the Best Short Oral Presentation Award at Polyphenols Applications 2024 for her research on “The Molecular Basis of the Degradation of Flavan-3-ols by the Human Gut Bacterium Eggerthella Lenta.” 

Dr. Mosoni's presentation delved into how Eggerthella lenta metabolizes flavan-3-ols—polyphenols known for their cardiovascular benefits—into bioactive compounds in the gut. By identifying ten key genes responsible for this metabolic process through a transcriptomic approach, Dr. Mosoni's work has revealed that 27% of individuals lack the ability to convert these polyphenols, raising important questions about cardiovascular risk factors.

About Dr. Mosoni

Dr. Mosoni is a microbiologist in MEDIS (Microbiology, Digestive Environment & Health) laboratory at INRAE. Her research activities are currently focusing on the metabolism/degradation of dietary fibers and polyphenols by the human gut microbiota in order to better understand the effects of these plant dietary components on health through the action of the microbiota. The approaches used involve the isolation of anaerobic microorganisms contributing to these metabolic pathways and characterize their function (genes, enzymes, metabolites) and role in health.  Her aim is to discover new generation pre- pro- syn-biotics, or effective bioactive molecules (postbiotics) to be used in preventive nutritional strategies.

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