Encapsulation modulates the bioavailability of anthocyanins and their degradation products

However, anthocyanins are sensitive to environmental conditions, thus their bioavailability in the gastrointestinal tract is an important determinant of their in vivo activity.

In the study reported here, the influence on bioavailability of anthocyanins by encapsulation of a bilberry extract (BE) using whey protein or pectin was investigated. We have performed a human intervention study with healthy volunteers and ileostomists (without a colon) and analyzed anthocyanins and their degradation products in urine, plasma, and ileostomy fluids. We were able to show, that the encapsulation stabilizes anthocyanins and modulated the bioavailability of anthocyanins and the colon as adsorption site contributed significantly to the bioavailability of these compounds.


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