Porto Polyphenols 2016: Concluding Remarks by Pr Andreas Schieber

Porto Polyphenols Group PictureThe 10th International Conference on Polyphenols Applications took place in Porto, Portugal, from June 29 to July 1, 2016 under the auspices of the International Society for Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH).

Dr. Andreas Schieber, President of Porto Polyphenols 2016, Dr. Marvin Edeas, President of ISANH, Dr. Fernanda Borges and Dr. Jorge Garrido, the local organizers from the University of Porto welcomed more than 300 academics and industry representatives from 27 countries at Porto Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto.

Taking into consideration recent advances in research on polyphenols, Porto Polyphenols 2016 covered as oral and poster presentations topics of utmost interest, for example, bioavailability and metabolism, extraction of polyphenols from by-products, role of polyphenols in health and disease, and polyphenols applications in foods and beverages. Short oral presentations greatly enriched the congress by addressing additional topics.

Eva Pavel Anzenbacherov Polyphenols AwardThe 2016 Poster Award was bestowed upon Dr Eva Anzenbacherova and Dr Pavel Anzenbacherov, from Palacky University, Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czech Republic for their presentation about Gut microbiome species richness differ after intake of green tea and cranberry extracts by lean and obese mice.

The scientific committee and the local organizers expressed their appreciation to all participants for their excellent contributions, which made also the 2016 edition of the International Conference on Polyphenols Application a success.

Please click here to visit the 3-days Porto Polyphenols Congress photos.

Please click here to access to the final program of Porto Polyphenols Congress.

We look forward welcoming for the 2017 world congress.

Porto Polyphenols Secretariat


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