Influence of juice processing and natural variation in the bioaccessibility of phenolics from grapes and blueberries

Mario-Ferruzzi-Malta Polyphenols 2019

Prof. Mario Ferruzzi will talk about his study on Influence of juice processing and natural variation in the bioaccessibility of phenolics from grapes and blueberries.

The Organizing Committee of Malta Polyphenols 2019 Conference is honored to announce the participation of Prof. Mario Ferruzzi from North Carolina State University, USA.

Summary of Talk: The food matrix is known as a modifier of polyphenol bioavailability.  The matrix itself is influenced by genetics, agronomic conditions as well the ultimate food process chosen for production.  For example, juicing and pasteurization of purple grapes modifies both the food matrix (fractionation, structure) and polyphenol profiles (content) influencing ultimate bioaccessibility of polyphenols for uptake/metabolism by humans or the microbiota.  Additionally, while diversity in content of phenolics is commonly studied in fruit germplasm/breeding populations, variation in phenolic bioaccessibility remains largely unknown.   Exploration of natural diversity of phenolic bioaccessibility in blueberry germplasm is beginning to provide insights into matrix effects and will potentially yield genetic targets for improvement of polyphenol bioavailability from fruit products.    


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