Changes in Phenolic Compounds of Grape Cane by-Products and their Extracts under Different Storage Conditions

Polyphenols Applications Ariel FontanaDr. Ariel Fontana from Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza, Argentina will give a presentation entitled "Changes in phenolic compounds of grape cane by-products and their extracts under different storage conditions".

In this session, Dr. Fontana will present the modification of phenolic compound profiles and concentrations in grape canes kept under different storage conditions after vine pruning. In addition, the stability of liquid extracts obtained from canes and exposed to different storage conditions will be also discussed. In his opinion, it is an interesting topic because this information could be related to the stability of polyphenols in food/additives mixtures having an effect on the final product commercialization and beneficial effects after using.

Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress
September 22-24, 2021 - Digital Congress



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