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During Malta Polyphenols World Congress 2015, Dr Buchweitz will talk about Stabilisation of anthocyanins and anthocyanin–metal chelates with pectins for their application as red and blue food colourants

Dr Buchweitz

Dr. Buchweitz will give a talk during Polyphenols World Congres 2015 held in Malta on June 3-5, about the stabilisation of metal chelats with pectins for use as food dyes.


During Malta Polyphenols World Congress 2015, Johanna Brauch will give a talk about chemical composition and color stability of the anthocyanin-rich superfruit

Pr BrauchJohanna Brauch will give a talk during Polyphenols World Congres 2015 held in Malta on June 3-5, about maqui berries - chemical composition and color stability of the anthocyanin-rich superfruit.

"Maqui (Aristotelia chilensins (Mol.) Stuntz) is an evergreen shrub originated from South America that yields small edible purple-black berries. Due to their outstandingly high anthocyanin concentration being correlated with high antioxidant activities, the interest in the berries as a healthy coloring foodstuff or additive has significantly increased. However, the fruits were often presumed to be classified as novel food, even though their consumption in Europe is well documented since the end of the 19th century. According to these reports, berries were consumed fresh, as juice or jams, but mostly applied for coloring wine"

To know more about Malta Polyphenols World Congress 2015:

During the Symposium on Natural Pigments & Colorants, Pr Durner will give a talk on Formation of anthocyanin-derived in red wine and their contribution to colour, mouth-feel, and astringency perception.

Pr Durner 2

Pr Durner will present anthocyanin pigments formation and role in colour, mouth-feel and astringency of red wine, during the symposium on food & beverages applications at Malta Polyphenols World Congress 2015.

“Key quality parameters of red wines are colour, mouth-feel, and astringency perception. All three are, more or less, driven by polyphenolic compounds originating from grape tissues or wooden barrels. Due to their high reactivity, most of the polyphenolic molecules, including flavanols, anthocyanins, and ellagitannins, undergo reactions with other phenolic moieties or wine constituents during vinification process and red wine aging. Resulting polymeric pigments and anthocyanin derivatives are crucial for the colour stability of red wines. Polymeric pigments in red wines reveal higher colour stability with an increasing molecular weight. Acetaldehyde-linked flavanol-anthocyanin adducts tend to exhibit purple colour with an increasing number of interflavanoid bridges. Besides molecule size, colouring properties are also determined by the number of anthocyanins incorporated in polymeric pigments. A high degree of anthocyanins moieties in tannic structures guarantees high intensity in red colour. Recent studies address anthocyanin molecules incorporated in polymeric pigments being also responsible for a balanced mouth-feel and less unripe astringency perception. From the perspective of a winemaker, the targeted production of these, positively associated, pigments is essential to produce red wines of high quality. The talk will include enological practises to improve and stabilise red wine colour such as barrel aging, micro-oxygenation, and the use enological tannins and oak chips.”

To know more about Malta Polyphenols World Congress 2015, please click here.

Dr Vassallo will present a talk on the use of polyphenolic compounds as novel protective agents in neurodegenerative diseases, during the Malta Polyphenols World Congress 2015

Dr VassalloDuring Malta Polypenols World Congress 2015, happening between June 3-5 at St Julian's, Dr. Vassallo will give a talk on the use of polyphenolic compounds as a novel strategy for protecting neuronal cells from lipid membrane damage.

"Neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, are defined by the aberrant misfolding of amyloidogenic proteins (e.g. amyloid-beta, alpha-synuclein, tau) into higher-order toxic aggregates that accumulate in the brain. These toxic aggregates have an intrinsic ability to interact with, and
destabilise, biological membranes leading to neuronal cell death."

Dr Vassallo will discuss the use of plant-derived polyphonic compounds aimed specifically at inhibiting amyloid-membrane interactions and preservating the membrane barrier, thus providong a novel therapeutic strategy for preventing or treating suc disorders. 

To know more about the Malta Polyphenols World Congress 2015 that will be held on June 3-5 in Malta and the preliminary agenda, please visit


How Resveratrol could have beneficial effects in Inflammation Diseases? will be presented by Dr Pautz at the Malta Polyphenols World Congress 2015 on June 3-5

Malta 1.1Dr. Pautz of the Institute of Pharmacology, Gutenberg University will describe a new anti-inflammatory mechanism of Resveratrol at the Malta Polyphenols World Congress held from 3-5 June.


Professor Elke Richling will speak about Bioaccessability and bioavailability of chlorogenic acids during Malta Polyphenols World Congress

MaltaPolyphenolsPr. Elke Richling, professor in Kaiserslautern university in Germany, will talk about bioaccessability and bioavailability of chlorogenic acids from coffee with special emphasis on breakfast consumption during Malta Polyphenols World Congress on June 3-5, 2015, in St Julian's, Malta.


Utilization of By-products of Food Processing: Malta Polyphenols Pre-Conference Workshop

Malta Symposium Valorisation logoFruit and vegetable by-products are today considered as a cheap source of valuable components, as since the existent technologies allow the recovery of target compounds and their recycling inside food chain as functional additives in different products.
Polyphenols, phenolics acids, antioxidants found in huge amount in bio-waste and by-products, can be used in health and food industries. 


ISANH discerned the ISANH Polyphenols Award 2014 to Milne Fruits


Lisbon Polyphenols Committee awarded Milne Fruits, managed by Pr David Wyckoff, CEO during ISANH Lisbon Polyphenols 2014, the world’s largest congress on polyphenols applications, which was be held in Lisbon, on June 4 to 6, 2014. Milne Fruits was awarded for their Innovative Products.


Pr Elke Richling was awarded by Lisbon Polyphenols 2014 Scientific Committee for her Scientific Contribution

 DSC7426Pr Elke Richling, from University of Kaiserslautern, Germany was awarded for her Scientific Contribution by ISANH Scientific Committee during the 8th International Conference on Polyphenols Applications, which was held in Lisbon on June 4 to 6.



Dr Claus Schneider received a Scientific Award for his Short Oral Presentation on Biochemical Pharmacology of Curcumin

Claus Schneider




Dr Claus Schneider, from Vanderbilt University Medical School, USA was awarded by the Scientific Committee of ISANH Polyphenols 2014.


The Scientific Committee announces the final program of Lisbon Polyphenols International Conference 2014


On behalf of Polyphenols World Congress Scientic Committee, we are pleased to announce the first program of Lisbon Polyphenols World Congress 2014. 

To access to the program, please click here.


To know more about Polyphenols World Congress:

The list of posters accepted for Polyphenols Conference is online


You can find by clicking here the list of communications accepted for posters presentations.


If your presentation is not on the list, please don't hesitate to contact us.



Don't miss our Fado Restaurant

Lisboa-restoWe are pleased to inform you that a dinner is organized on Thursday evening in a typical Portuguese Restaurant, with Fado music and singers.


Global metabolomics for discovery of polyphenol bioactivity: unravelling broad-spectrum effects of xanthohumol in a rodent model of obesity


Dr Fred Stevens, from Linus Pauling Institute and College of Pharmacy, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A will present his recent studies about Global metabolomics for discovery of polyphenol bioactivity: unravelling broad-spectrum effects of xanthohumol in a rodent model of obesity during Lisbon Polyphenols World Congress.

Xanthohumol is a prenylated flavonoid found in hops and beer, and in dietary supplements.

The team treated Zucker fa/fa rats, a model of obesity and metabolic syndrome, for six weeks with xanthohumol at four dose levels and measured metabolome profiles in addition to single endpoints of glucose and lipid homeostasis.


"Pyranoanthocyanins as novel food colorants" during Polyphenols 2014 World Congress in Lisbon next June 2014

Fabian WeberDr. Fabian Weber from University of Bonn, Germany will present his work. Pyranoanthocyanins are pigments primarily occurring in processed fruit products like juices and wines.

They are formed by the reaction of genuine anthocyanins and several compounds such as pyruvic acid or vinylphenols. The latter are microbial conversion products of hydroxycinnamic acids, e.g., p-coumaric and ferulic acids, formed by decarboxylase-positive Lactobacillus species. Pyranoanthocyanins are of particular interest in food technology because they show increased color stability compared to anthocyanins and exhibit a broad spectrum of color tonalities, rendering them attractive candidates for the application as food colorants.


Daily polyphenols intake from fresh fruits in Portugal

claudia santos

During the Polyphenols 2014 World Congress in Lisbon next June 2014, Pr. Claudia Santos from Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnologica, Portugal  will propose her work based on "Overview on Daily polyphenols intake from fresh fruits, in particular berries. Effects of berries metabolites on brain."

Despite the well know epidemiological associations between polyphenols and health, the effective polyphenol metabolites and their mechanism of action in human organism is still fairly unknown. Studying the biological mechanisms by which dietary poplyphenols exert an impact in human health requires the knowledge about polyphenols intake, tissue bioavailability, metabolism and bioactivities.



Polyphenols and Taste: Activation of Distinct Human Bitter Taste Receptors

SoaresSeveral healthy properties have been associated to polyphenol compounds. However, some of them are known to have a bitter taste and people avoid their intake. Polyphenols bitterness is usually assessed by sensory analysis but the available data are rather inconsistent.In the work presented by Dr Susana Soares during Lisbon Polyphenols 2014, bitterness of six polyphenol compounds present in a wide range of plant-derived foods/beverages was analyzed by activation of the human bitter taste receptors, TAS2Rs.


A short-cut to comprehensive health benefits of dietary polyphenols: the nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway

Joao Laranjinha PhotoDuring Polyphenols 2014 World Congress in Lisbon next June 2014, Pr. João Laranjinha from University of Coimbra, Portugal will discuss about "A short-cut to comprehensive health benefits of dietary polyphenols: the nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway"


Encapsulation modulates the bioavailability of anthocyanins and their degradation products

Frau Richling f 02 03Pr. Elke Richling from Kaiserslautern Technical University, Germany will talk about Encapsulation modulates the bioavailability of anthocyanins and their degradation products during Polyphenols 2014 World Congress in Lisbon next June 2014.

Anthocyanins are responsible for attractive color of red fruits and are attributed with beneficial effects. Especially bilberries have a broad spectrum of anthocyanins. For the described biological mechanisms, the bioavailability of anthocyanins at the site of absorption has a crucial importance.


Regular consumption of a pomegranate and grape juice improves oxidative status and causes metabolome changes in healthy adults

Perez-JimenezDuring Lisbon Polyphenols 2014, as special session will be dedicated to Pomegranate Polyphenols: Recent Advances & Perspectives.

One of the presentation will be done by Dr Jara Perez-Jimenez, from ICTAN, Spain about "Regular consumption of a pomegrante and grape juice improves oxidative status and causes metabolome changes in healthy adults". This study was elaborated by Dr Maria Elena Diaz Rubio from ICTAN, Spain.


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