News Alert

Non-extractable polyphenols or macroantioxidants: Recent Advances and Perspectives

Saura Calixto

Dr Fulgencio Saura-Calixto, from ICTAN-CSIC, Madrid, Spain will give an overview of recent advances & perspectives of non-extractable polyphenols and macroantioxidants during the 8th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications 2014.

Non-extractable polyphenols (NEPP) or macroantioxidants are a new type of antioxidants bioavailable in the large intestine where they exhibit a significant antioxidant activity and produce absorbable metabolites after the action of the microbiota. They are plant food constituents that contribute significantly to the total PP intake in the diet.


Biorefinery concept with green solvents towards the phenolic valorization


The efficient separation, hydrolysis and conversion of principal components of lignocellulosic biomass allows to produce chemicals and value added compounds. Ionic liquids (ILs) have been used for


Polyphenols & Antioxidants Incorporation into Food Packaging: Trends & Perspectives discussed during Polyphenols World Congress 2014

Photo Ana Sanches SilvaAccording Pr. Ana Sanches Silva from National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Portugal, "Natural antioxidants, including polyphenols, not related with possible toxicological side-effects as artificial molecules, are being used in active packaging in order to extend the shelf-life of foodstuffs and reduce the addition of antioxidants directly to the food."

This presentation reviews some of the antioxidants that have been incorporated into food packaging, namely α-tocopherol, caffeic acid, catechin, quercetin, carvacrol and plant extracts (e.g. rosemary extract).  


Distinguished speakers and oral presentations of Lisbon Polyphenols 2014

The Scientific Committee of Lisbon Polyphenols 2014 is pleased to announce the preliminary presentations for the next Polyphenols World Congress.




Bonn Polyphenols 2013 Scientific Committee awarded two high quality speakers for their contributions on Polyphenols Research



During Bonn Polyphenols 2013 , Scientific Committee awarded two high quality speakers for their researches and scientific contributions on Polyphenols:







- Pr Reinhold Carle,

from University of Hohenheim,
Stuttgart, Germany





- Pr Francisco Tomas-Barberan,
from Murcia University, Spain












If you are interested to know more about Pr Tomas-Barberan and Pr Carle's presentations, you can order the abstracts book by clicking here.



Bonn Polyphenols 2013 Scientific Committee awarded two high quality speakers for their contributions on Polyphenols Research



During Bonn Polyphenols 2013 , Scientific Committee awarded two high quality speakers for their researches and scientific contributions on Polyphenols:







- Pr Reinhold Carle,

from University of Hohenheim,
Stuttgart, Germany




- Pr Francisco Tomas-Barberan,
from Murcia University, Spain












If you are interested to know more about Pr Tomas-Barberan and Pr Carle's presentations, you can order the abstracts book by clicking here.



ISANH Polyphenols Abstracts Book 2013 is available!

Cover PolyphenolsIndex of ISANH Paris Polyphenols 2013 Abstracts Book  

  • Abstracts for Oral Presentation – June 6, 2013
  • Abstracts for Oral Presentation – June 7, 2013
  • Abstracts for Poster Presentation – by alphabetical order



The abstracts book is available in digital (PDF) version.


Bonn Polyphenols 2013 in Retrospect: A Huge Success...

 Polyphenols 2013 198

After six successful conferences held in Malta and Paris, the Seventh World Congress on Polyphenols Applications took place in Bonn, Germany, on June 6-7, 2013 under the auspices of the International Society for Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH), the French Society of Antioxidants (SFA), and the Japanese Society of Antioxidants (JSA).

Prof. Dr. Marvin Edeas, Chairman of ISANH, and Prof. Dr. Andreas Schieber, Chairman of the Scientific Committee and local organizer of the conference, welcomed more than 130 academics and industry representatives from 28 countries at Collegium Leoninum, a former seminary for priests and today a four-star hotel and congress venue. Prof. Dr. Peter Stehle, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Bonn and himself active in polyphenol research, extended a welcome note to the audience.

Bonn Polyphenols 2013, which was financially supported by Eckes-Granini (Nieder-Olm, Germany) featured an interesting blend of world class keynote speakers and highly recognized experts in the field and also provided a platform for the next generation of emerging talents, postdoctoral researchers and PhD students, to present the latest results of their work on polyphenols. Taking the conclusions from Paris Polyphenols 2012 to Bonn, the 2013 conference covered topics of utmost current interest, such as the role of polyphenols in human health, bioavailability of phenolics, stability of polyphenols during processing, recovery and application of phenolic compounds from by-products, and modern methods of polyphenol analysis in foods and physiological samples.

In his introductory keynote lecture on the first day, Prof. Dr. Francisco Tomás-Barberán (CSIC, Murcia, Spain) highlighted the importance of the interactions between polyphenols and gut microbiota and pointed out the research needs and perspectives of applications. Subsequent presentations given by Dr. Paul Kroon (Norwich, UK), Dr. Clarissa Gerhäuser (Heidelberg, Germany), Prof. Dr. med. Harald Hönsch (Darmstadt, Germany) and Prof. Dr. Rikard Landberg (Uppsala, Sweden) were dedicated to the role of polyphenols in cardiovascular disease and diabetes, cancer prevention, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, and to alkylresorcinols as biomarkers of whole grain intake. Prof. Dr. Rosa Maria Lamuela-Raventos from the University of Barcelona (Spain) presented her recent investigations into tomato polyphenols and Ales Bartl (Brussels, Belgium) gave an overview of regulatory issues associated with polyphenols. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Engelhardt (Braunschweig, Germany) highlighted chemistry and potential health effects of polyphenols from coffee, tea, and cocoa. Short oral presentations on the phenolic metabolome of stevia (Prof. Dr. Nikolai Kuhnert, Bremen, Germany), effects of berry phenolics on gut health (Dr. Gordon McDougall, Dundee, UK), absorption and metabolism of procyanidin B4 (Katharina Bittner, Münster, Germany), chemoenzymatic preparation of silybin metabolites (Prof. Dr. Vladimir Křen, Prague, Czech Republic) and effects of quercetin on lipid metabolism (Dr. Ewert van Schothorst, Wageningen, The Netherlands) concluded the first day of Bonn Polyphenols 2013.

Prof. Dr. Reinhold Carle (Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany) was the keynote speaker of the second day of the conference and gave an overview of studies into the recovery and application of polyphenols as natural food ingredients. Reactions of water-soluble and lipid-soluble antioxidants including phenolic compounds were covered in the presentation given by Prof. Dr. Leif Skibsted (Copenhagen, Denmark). Prof. Dr. Luke Howard (Fayetteville, AR, USA) highlighted grape pomace as a source of polyphenols and their extraction using subcritical water. Alma Fernanda Sánchez Maldonado (Edmonton, AB, Canada) presented a new method for the extraction and separation of glycoalkaloids and phenolic acids from potato peels, and Michelle Feuereisen (Bonn, Germany) introduced Brazilian pepper as a source of antimicrobial polyphenolics.

The afternoon session “Analysis of Polyphenols in Foods and Dietary Supplements” was dedicated to Prof. Dr. Rudolf Galensa, Chair of Food Chemistry at the University of Bonn, in recognition of his lifetime contributions to the field of polyphenol analysis. In his laudation “Polyphenols for Life”, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Engelhardt surveyed Rudolf Galensa´s professional career, starting with his thesis on HPLC of flavonoids in 1979, and gave an overview of his accomplishments, awards, most important projects and publications. “Rudolf Galensa stands for excellent science, excellent teaching, and a special sense of humour”, Prof. Engelhardt concluded. The audience gave standing ovations when Prof. Galensa took the floor to acknowledge his wife and co-workers for their support. Dr. Benno Zimmermann, Maike Gleichenhagen, Elvira Jungfer, and Lisa Kothe, who are current members of his research group, presented to him as a very special gift a two-volume hardcover compilation of his publications.

The subsequent scientific program proceeded with Dr. Benno Zimmermann´s overview of UHPLC as a tool for polyphenol analysis in foods and physiological samples. Prof. Dr. Chlodwig Franz (Vienna, Austria) highlighted the importance of polyphenols in quality and authenticity control of dietary supplements based on botanicals. Consequences of exposure to polyphenol-rich foods and beverages and their colonic metabolites were presented by Dr. Anna-Marja Aura (Espoo, Finland). Prof. Dr. Michael Gänzle (Edmonton, AB, Canada) gave a talk on sorghum polyphenols and their effects on the microbial ecology of cereal fermentations. Maike Gleichenhagen presented the results of her PhD thesis on intrinsic labeling of polyphenols by cultivation of plants in a 13C carbon dioxide atmosphere. Finally, Dr. Sandrine Milesi (Loos, France) introduced the potential of methyl tetrahydrofurane as a green solvent for polyphenol extraction and purification.

Prof. Dr. Francisco Tomás-Barberán and Prof. Dr. Reinhold Carle received the 2013 Polyphenols Award in recognition of their outstanding contributions to research on polyphenols.

In their conclusions, Prof. Dr. Marvin Edeas and Prof. Dr. Andreas Schieber expressed their appreciation to all speakers and poster presenters for their excellent contributions, which made this congress a huge success. According to them, interactions of polyphenols with gut microbiota will continue to be an area of intense research activities and very likely take up even more room in future polyphenol congresses.


Press Release for Immediate Release - Bonn will host the 7th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications


“We believe that rapidly the term polyphenols will “replace” the banal and less credible term of “Antioxidant”…



The scientific committee of Paris Polyphenols 2013 and the International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH) announce the final program of the 7th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications, which will be held in Bonn in June 6 & 7, 2013.


Polyphenols in human health have gained worldwide interest and the knowledge about the relationship between their consumption and health improvement is constantly growing. Pr M. Edeas and Pr Schieber, chairmen of Polyphenols 2013 confirmed “…We will highlight the impact of polyphenols consumption on the prevention of many chronic diseases. We will talk more about gut microbiota and the role of polyphenols in particular in obesity and diabetes. In order for phenolics to be applied as bioactive compounds, more data needs to be generated concerning their efficacy, bioavailability, metabolism, their chemical and physical behavior in various matrices during processing, and obviously their potential toxicity. Despite significant advances in the analysis of phenolic compounds, there are still challenges when it comes to their characterization and quantification…”



Pr Edeas and Pr Schieber confirmed “We believe that rapidly the term polyphenols will “replace” the banal and less credible term of “Antioxidant”…


 The focus of ISANH Polyphenols 2013 two-days conferences will be on following aspects: 


  • Polyphenols & Health: Clinical Evidences in 2013
  • Bioavailability, Health Effects & Safety Assessment
  • Technological Aspects and Stability of Polyphenols
  • Analysis of Polyphenols in Foods and Dietary Supplements : Session dedicated to Prof. Dr. Rudolf Galensa, University of Bonn, in recognition of his lifetime contributions to the field.

A special session will be dedicated to Polyphenols regulation and Claims in Europe with the recent EFSA recommendation.

Among the Academics and industries attendees of Bonn Polyphenols 2013 :


 Eckes Granini, Mars GmbH, Pepsico, Coca Cola, EW-Nutrition GmbH, Rudolf Wild, BASF, Embrapa-Labex-US, Nutreco, Ajinomoto Omnichem, Provimi Holding, Cargill, Bayer Healthcare, Chanel Parfums & Beauty, Evonik industries AG, Purifunction, FDT Consulting Engineers, Dr Willaar Schwabe Pharmaceuticals, Horphag Research, Dr Behr GmbH, Morinaga & Co, ABAR ArGe, Wiley, Swabe Pharmaceuticals, Alfanature…

University of Sao Paulo, Centro de Biotecnologia - FEMSA, Fraunhofer IVV, University of Valencia, HONEI, University of Hull, University of Milan, Jacobs University Bremen , Technical University of Berlin, IFAPA Venta Del Llano, Szent Istvan University, Technische Universitat München, University Studi di Milan, Institute of Food Science - CNR, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Japiellonian University Medical College, Rheinische Friedrich-Wihelms-Universität, University of Liverpool, AZTI - Tecnalia, University of Bonn, University of Lleida, University of Duesseldorf, Academy of Sciences, University of Costa Rica, University Bonn IEL Foodchemistry, Institute of fruit-growing, Palacky university, University of Ferrara, University of Burgos, CRA - W, University of food technologies, University of Cracow, Riga Stradins University, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw Univerity, University Hospital, University of Alberta, VTT Technical Research Centre, The James Hutton Institute, The Hebrew University, ISVV - University of Bordeaux, LNEG, McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, Jacobs University Bremen, Duksung Women's Unviersity, Minnee Management, The Herskey Co., Wageningen University, University of Sevilla, Riga Stradins University, Mars Group, University of Hohenheim, University of Hamburg, University of Braunschweig, University of Copenhagen, Institute of Food Research, German Cancer Research Center, Marienhospital, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, CEBAS-CSIC, University of Barcelona, University of Arkansas, University of Veterinary Medicine...


Contact Presse: Céline Mercier




The summer finally came to Bonn

bonn rhein

Two weeks left until the World Congress Polyphenols 2013, and finally the sun is comming! Enjoy the good weather during your stay in one of the most beatiful cities in Germany. The cities offers great leisure time activities for every taste: swimming pool, concerts, museums and great international restaurants.
Placed directly at the Rhein, Bonn gives you the feeling of vacances with a nice clima, and there are so many things to discover!

For more informations please contact the offical site for trourism in Bonn:

Food Research International

FoodResearchInternationalThe Scientific Committee of Bonn Polyphenols 2013 will invite authors of selected papers presented at the congress as oral or poster contributions to submit a manuscript for consideration in Food Research International (2011 Impact Factor of 3.150). There may be a special issue of the journal compiled as a result of submissions. 


Bonn will host the next International Congress on Polyphenols Applications next June


Beautiful Bonn: Discover how beautiful the city can be during summer time.....


Academics and industries of polyphenols world will meet and network during Bonn Polyphenols 2013



The Scientific Committee of Bonn Polyphenols 2013 is pleased to announce the final agenda and programme of the 7th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications.

Academics and industries of polyphenols world will meet and network during Bonn Polyphenols 2013 :


Prof. Dr. Peter Stehle, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Bonn University, will give a welcome address in the introduction session during Bonn Polyphenols 2013

universityOn behalf of Pr Schieber and Pr Edeas, co-chairmen of Bonn Polyphenols 2013, we are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Peter Stehle,


Welcome to Bonn Polyphenols 2013

SchieberWe cordially invite you to participate in the 7th ISANH World Congress on Polyphenols Applications to be held at the University of Bonn, Germany, on June 6-7, 2013.


Houda Saad, from INSAT Tunis, was awarded for her poster presentation during ISANH Polyphenols 2012

The ISANH Poster Presentation Award 2012 was discerned to Mrs Houda Saad, from Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie INSAT, Tunis, Tunisie for her Study of Tunisian Pomegranate Peels Polyphenolics Compounds.

The Scientific Committee of ISANH Polyphenols 2012 is honoured to announce that Mrs Houda Saad was awarded for her poster presentation during the 6th International Conference on Polyphenols Applications which was held in Paris in June 7-8, 2012.

To access to the PDF presentation of Mrs Saad, please click here.


For more information about ISANH Polyphenols 2012:








Message from ISANH Polyphenols 2012 Chairmen




The 6th edition of ISANH Polyphenols 2012 was held in Paris in June 7 & 8, 2012 and brought together experts from academia and industry, established researchers and young, emerging talents from almost all continents.

These two days were very rich and active with high quality debates about scientific advances.

Indeed, experts’ contributions highlighted the tremendous opportunities as well as the challenges that are associated with one of the most fascinating classes of secondary plant metabolites.


Recent Advances and Clinical Applications of Polyphenols in health were highlighted by oral & poster presentations. 

Some critical questions concerning clinical studies and claims were discussed. The impact of polyphenols consumption on consumers and how marketing can not go faster than sciences advances (how to avoid speculations as for resveratrol) 

One of the main conclusions of the first day was that polyphenols will play a central role in the prevention of many chronic diseases. Many presentations showed the impact of polyphenols on diabetes, obesity, cancer, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. There is no doubt that phenolic compounds hold promise for application as functional food ingredients and nutraceuticals, natural additives in foods and feeds, and even as pharmaceuticals.

Polyphenols & Waste Valorisation from Fruits and Vegetables Processing  

The aim of this session was to discuss how by-products of the fruit and vegetable industry (such as tomato peel, olive margin, paper waste, wine, beer, cider and palm industries) can be utilized for the recovery of polyphenols and other valuable components. 

During this conference, by-products arising from processing of plant-derived raw materials were demonstrated to be excellent sources of phenolics, but economically feasible approaches are still needed for their exploitation.

Various processes and techniques were suggested for the extraction, fractionation and isolation of target compounds. In order for phenolics to be applied as bioactive compounds, more data needs to be generated concerning their efficacy, bioavailability, metabolism, their chemical and physical behavior in various matrices during processing, and obviously their potential toxicity. Despite significant advances in the analysis of phenolic compounds, there are still challenges when it comes to their characterization and quantification. 

Future congresses on Polyphenols Applications will address, among others, these topics in order to obtain a more complete picture of the potential of phenolics. 

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and ISANH, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all speakers and participants for their contribution during these two days. It gave us a great pleasure to thank all those who graciously supported Paris Polyphenols 2012 and who have been involved in the organization of the conference.

We look forward welcoming you next year in Germany for the 7th ISANH Polyphenols Congress. 

Pr Marvin Edeas - Chairman of ISANH  

Pr Andreas Schieber - Chairman of Scientific Committee 


ISANH Polyphenols Abstracts Book  

The abstracts book of ISANH Polyphenols 2012 is now available in paper and also digital version. You can access to the index and order form by clicking here. 

Pictures Gallery  

A pictures gallery is open on website. You can access to many pictures by clicking here.  


Pr Iman Hakim was awarded for her Short Oral Presentation about Modulation of Oxidative Damage by Green and Black Tea





Dr Iman Hakim, from University of Arizona, was awarded by the Scientific Committee of ISANH Polyphenols 2012 during the 6th International Conference on Polyphenols Applications which was held in Paris in June 7 & 8, 2012.


ISANH discerned the ISANH Polyphenols Award 2012 to CreAgri From Paris Polyphenols



Dr. Crea’s work with olive polyphenols and hydroxytyrosol was acknowledged with a keynote presentation at ISANH Polyphenols 2012, the world’s largest symposium on polyphenols derived from agricultural biomass, which will be held in Paris, at the Palais Brongniart this coming June 7-8, and CreAgri was awardedfor their innovative product Hydroxytyrosol Derived from Olive Oil Waste Water and its Industrial Applications in Health, Wellness and Lifestyle.



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